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Which Slab Rate to Choose FY 2020-21 Old or New? Know Opt in Opt out standards for salaried and business, derivation not permitted section 115BAC

How to opt for a new tax system according to section 115BAC?

The Finance Act 2020, has presented a new section 115BAC, according to this arrangement the assessee has an option whether to pay tax according to new chunk rates or the old piece rates. In the event that the assessee opts for the new tax system, at that point the assessee needs to renounce a portion of the tax concessions under the current income tax act.

How to opt for new or old plan under the Income Tax Act?

This arrangement is made appropriate for the Individual/HUF and the individual can practice the option at the hour of documenting the arrival of income. The people gaining under income pay and business can opt for the option under 115BAC as under:

1. Salaried individual (counting income from Pension, Bank Interest, Hosue Rent, Other Income)

In the event that the individual assessee is a salaried representative, at that point, he opt the plan on a yearly premise. It implies the individual can change to his preferred tax system in the following year. For opting the plan, the worker needs to offer announcement to the deductor of his goal to opt for old or new tax plot according to his decision. Upon such implication, the business will register his all-out income and make TDS subsequently as per the arrangement of section 115BAC of the demonstration. The announcement made by the worker can’t be changed. Anyway, at the hour of recording Returns, he can again pick once again.

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• Business or Profession Income (benefit and Gains from Business or Profession)

On the off chance that the individual is winning business income, he can practice his option under section 115BAC at the hour of recording the arrival of income the option once practised can’t be pulled back in resulting evaluation year in regard of the assessee with Business Income. On the off chance that he choose to pull back, it would be permitted only a single time and he can never pick again

What are the Slabs rates under the new Income tax system Section 115BAC for FY 2020-21?

SITotal IncomeRate of Tax
1Up to Rs. 2,50,000Nil
2From Rs. 2,50,001 to Rs. 5,00,0005 per cent.
3From Rs. 5,00,001 to Rs. 7,50,00010 per cent.
4From Rs. 7,50,001 to Rs. 10,00,00015 per cent.
5From Rs. 10,00,001 to Rs. 12,50,00020 per cent.
6From Rs. 12,50,001 to Rs. 15,00,00025 per cent.
7Above Rs. 15,00,00030 per cent.

Slab rates as per the old the income tax regime for FY 2020-21:

If the individual opts for old tax regime then has to pay tax as per below slab rates:

SITotal IncomeRate of Tax
1Up to Rs. 2,50,000Nil
2From Rs. 2,50,001 to Rs. 5,00,0005 per cent.
3From Rs. 5,00,001 to Rs. 10,00,00020 per cent.
4Above Rs. Rs. 10,00,00030 per cent.

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List of deductions Not Allowed/disallowed under new tax regime Section 115BAC for FY 2020-21?

If the taxpayer opts for paying tax as per the new slabs rates then the assessee must forgo the below-listed deductions and exemptions:

Sr noDeductions or Exemptions not allowedAmount of deduction/ Exemptions
1House rent allowance u/s 13ALower of 40%/ 50% Of (Basic+ DA+ Turnover commission) or Actual amount received or Rent paid Minus 10% of (Basic+ DA+ Turnover commission)
2Leave travel allowanceThe exemption is available only on the actual travel costs i.e., the air, rail or bus fare incurred by the employee
3Food couponsUpto Rs. 50 Per meal is exempt the excess is taxable under salary
4Children Education allowanceMax Rs. 100 per month per child upto Maximum 2 child
5Helper allowanceFully Exempt
6Special compensatory allowanceFully Exempt
7Border area allowanceFully Exempt
8Tribal areas allowanceRs. 200 per month
9Transport allowance for employees of transportLower of the amount received X 70% or Rs. 10000 pm
10Travelling allowanceFully Exempt
11Island duty allowanceFully Exempt
12Uniform allowanceFully Exempt
13Research allowanceFully Exempt
14Leave encashment benefitLower of Rs. 3,00,000 per annum or Annual leave encashment amount or The average salary of last 10 months or Salary per day X utilised leave (Considering maximum 30 days allowed leave per year)
15Reimbursement of medical expense u/s 17(2)Amount of expense incurred on treatment in a government hospital or Employers hospital or Government recognised hospital
16Any allowance granted to an employee to meet the hostel expenditure on his childMax Rs. 300 per month per child up to Maximum 2 child
17Compensatory Field Area AllowanceFully Exempt
18Compensatory Modified Field Area AllowanceFully Exempt
19Underground Allowance for mine workersMax Rs. 800 per month
20Daily allowance by any person by reason of his membership of Parliament or of any State Legislature or of any Committee thereof u/s 10(17)Fully Exempt
21Entertainment allowance u/s 16For government employees only: Lower of 20% of Basic salary or Actual amount received or Maximum Rs. 5000
22Profession tax u/s 16Maximum Rs. 2,500
23Interest on Housing loan u/s 24(2) with respect to self-occupied propertyMaximum Rs. 2,00,000
24Standard deduction u/s 16Maximum Rs. 50,000
25Deduction with respect to Specified investment under 80CMaximum Rs. 1,50,000
26Deduction with respect to Contribution to NPS u/s 80CCD(1B)Maximum Rs. 50,000
27Deduction with respect to mediclaim premium or medical expenses u/s 80DMaximum Rs. 50,000 / Senior Citizen then Rs 75,000
28Deduction with respect to medical treatment of handicapped relative u/s 80DDMaximum deduction Normal disability =75,000 and for Severe disability = 1,25,000
29Deduction with respect to the treatment of specified disease u/s 80DDBMaximum deduction Lower of Actual expenses or Maximum Rs. 40000 for other and 100000 for senior citizen
30Deduction with respect to Interest on Education Loan u/s 80EInterest amount for 8 consecutive years
31Deduction with respect to donation to trust or political parties under section 80GAmount of donation
32Deduction with respect to donation to trust or political parties under section 80GGC100% of Donation made
33Deduction with respect to interest on savings account u/s 80TTALower of Amount of saving interest or Rs. 10,000
34Deduction with respect to interest on Deposits to senior citizens u/s 80TTBLower of Amount of interest or Rs. 50,000
35Additional Deduction for Interest on Home Loan u/s 80EEMaximum Rs. 50,000
36Additional Deduction for Interest on Home Loan u/s 80EEAMaximum Rs. 1,50,000
37Deduction for Interest on electric vehicle loan u/s 80EEBMaximum Rs. 1,50,000
38Deduction for handicapped assessee under section 80UNormal= 75,000 or Severe= Rs. 1,25,000
39Deduction for Royalty from books under section 80QQBLower of Eligible royalty or Rs. 3,00,000
40Deduction for Royalty from patent under section 80RRBLower of Eligible royalty or Rs. 3,00,000
41Deduction for donation to scientific research Organisation under section 80GGA100% of the Amount of donation
42Deduction under section 80GG for rent paid other than HRALower of Rs. 5000 per month or 25% of Adjustment gross total income or Rent paid- 10% of Adjustment gross total income
43Deduction u/s 80JJA with respect to Income from collecting and processing biodegradable waste100% of the profit of the business
44Deduction under section 57 with respect to family pensionLower of Rs. 15,000 or 1/3 rd of the amount of pension received
45Deduction u/s 10(32) In Case of Income from Minor ChildMaximum deduction of Rs. 1500 per child
46Deduction u/s 10AA with respect to income of SEZ unitThe maximum deduction is 100% of profits for 1st 5 years of business and 50% of profits for the next 5 years of business
47Deduction of deprecation as per section 32Amount of depreciation as per rate schedule of the income tax act
48Deduction u/s 32AD for investment in new Plant and Machinery in notified backward area15% of the actual cost of new plant and machinery installed
49Deduction with respect to the specified business under section 35AD100% of the profit from specified business
50Deduction with respect to expenditure on agricultural extension project u/s 35CCC150% of the expenditure allowed on agricultural extension
51Deduction with respect to tea, coffee, rubber business u/s 33ABLower of Actual amount deposited in NABARD a/c or 40% of PGBP before this deduction
52Deduction with respect to petroleum and natural gas business u/s 33ABALower of Actual amount deposited in site restoration account or 20% of PGBP (before the deduction)
53Deduction with respect to contribution to outsiders to IIT national laboratory for scientific research under section 35(2AA)150% of the contribution paid
54Deduction with respect to expenditure on scientific research u/s 35100% deduction for Revenue and capital expenditure incurred for scientific research

Deductions and exemptions allowed under new tax regime Section 115BAC for FY 2020-21?

The below list of exemptions and deductions are allowed under new tax regime:

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Sr noDeductions or Exemptions not allowedAmount of deduction/ Exemptions
1Exemptions with respect to gratuity under section 10(10)Lower of Last drawn salary X no of years employed X 15/26 or Rs. 20 Lakhs or Actual gratuity received
2Exemptions with respect to commuted (lumpsum) pension u/s 10(10A)For government employees= Fully exempt and other employees= if gratuity is received by the employee then 1/3 rd of the commuted pension is exempt else 50% of the commuted pension is exempt
3Exemptions on Maturity proceeds of Life insurance u/s 10(10D)Fully exempt
4Deduction under section 80CCD(2) with respect to Contribution by employer to NPSLower of employer contribution or Maximum 10% of the Salary
5Interest on Housing loan u/s 24(2) with respect to let out propertyWhole amount of interest on housing loan
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